Monday 23 June 2008


As part of governments ongoing scheme to improve the country by destroying it,the march of the windmills continues.Before any sandal wearing tree hugging types get excited consider the following!The earth is not heating up!Read that line again,THE EARTH IS NOT HEATING UP!Everything you have read about Manmade Global Warming is pigswill.What is in fact taking place is a Marxist inspired plot to carve up the industrialised western world as a punishment for defeating the USSR in the coldwar.Think not!Explain the following events then.All the great and good climate experts had been predicting the next Ice Age up till the late 1980's,now the same long term trend figures used for proving the cooling of the earth are used to prove it has been heating up for over a century!Another small fact that proves beyond any doubt that we are being conned is contained in that most stirring environmental document-the KYOTO agreement.We are encouraged to think that the earth is heating up,CO2 is the cause,western man the culprit and that only urgent huge cuts in CO2 can prevent the destruction of all life on earth before the end of the century.To prevent the destruction of the entire planet the Kyoto agreement was drawn up to slash CO2 emissions over the next 50 years thus saving the planet-YIPPEEE!As we all know nothing is more vital and time is not on our side as we might go over the tipping point at any second into irreversible climate change.All very urgent and no other problem is more important than the destruction of the earth which can only be prevented by huge cuts in CO2 and these cuts must be made NOW!All very familiar stuff,so why is it that the Kyoto agreement will be a success in 50 years when it allows for a big rise in CO2 emissions?It does not cut CO2 emissions in total,it cuts them in the industrialised west and allows for huge increases in places like China and India and an overall increase worldwide!If time is so pressing and death so certain then why is this agreement being pushed as the solution?Because the Kyoto agreement is the solution to a different problem,the failure of Marxism to defeat the western world.Answer one question,if Global Warming is real then why is CO2 being permitted to increase at all when urgent cuts are needed?In Britain,huge CO2 emission cuts are being pushed by our own government.These cuts are huge-30,40,50 and even 60% have been given as target to be reached in the next 20 years.These targets are not only impossible without total deindustrialisation but pointless!Just suppose we in Britain could cut our CO2 emissions by not "just"100% but by 200%.The increase in CO2 emissions allowed by the Kyoto agreement to China would in only 26 months make a 200% cut by Britain pointless!So our governments determination to cut our emissions by 60% over the next few decades will be outweighed by the increase allowed to China between now and Christmas!China is building a new coalfired powerstation every 5 DAYS!Why is China not worried about climate change?Because the only climate changing is the industrial one as the western world continues to price itself out of a job by creating endless extra costs for business in the west that for some reason don't apply in the east?Does it not strike you as strange that in the west a huge effort is put into H&S rules which cost industry a fortune but then our own government insists on giving contracts to thirdworld companies ,who don't meet these standards,because they are cheaper than British ones! The British Government gives £750M in aid to India every year,why?Before you start feeling sorry for poor little India just remember that it is a nuclear power,has a space programme-unlike Britain!,a bigger army,airforce and navy than we have and we give THEM aid!Indian companies have found it very easy to sell to Britain and to buy our companies such as Jaguar and Landrover but our companies are blocked from buying Indian firms or getting contracts in India.And to kill off once and for all the Great Global Warming Lie try and argue your way past a few small facts,Dr. Roy Spencer,formerly head of climate studies for NASA has just published a report.Based on satellite and ballon temperature readings taken at various levels upto 135,000ft,the first item showed that global temperatures in the first months of 2008 were on average between 0.4 and 0.5 degrees Celsius lower than they were at the same time in 2007.His second point was that temperatures in May again fell sharply,by nearly 0.2 of a degree,bringing the drop since January 2007 to 0.77 degrees.So why does this matter so much?Well, one small reason is that in just 16 months we have seen global cooling greater than the 0.7 degrees net warming recorded by the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change for the whole of the 20th century.It is this 0.7 degree rise which is being used as a castiron justification for the economic chaos being forced upon us to solve a problem that doesn't exist-that is why it matters!A "carbon reduction"bill has been put before the US Senate recently which seeks to spend $6.7 TRILLION to achieve a 66% cut in CO2 emissions by 2050.This bill will wreck the American economy and thus destroy the western world,all in the cause of solving a problem that doesn't exist.Next time some clown suggests putting up our cost of living in order to save the world at least you will know the real aim isn't to save it from something so much as for someone else.Wake up and smell the fairtrade,organic,carbon neutral Coffee-while you can still afford a cup!


National Libertarian said...
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National Libertarian said...

While I'm here, this is for Harridan Harm-men, she can stick her Equality Bill up her bonus tunnel! :D

Keep those posts coming!

National Libertarian said...

Gwen Stevens said...

If you have pure rage I suggest you take some medication, remember the 6,000 000 jews? never again,
